Optical illusion of a little girl has people really confused

Mother posts photo of daughter and the internet is bemused at confusing optical illusion

Clara Hill
Monday 17 May 2021 20:54 BST
(Getty Images/iStockphoto)
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A mother has shared an optical illusion image of her daughter – and the internet is delighted to help solve the puzzle.

The picture was posted in the Reddit forum r/confusing_perspective and got everyone scratching their heads at what was being presented to them.

The little girl’s mother asked the question on 6 May: “My daughter, where’s the rest of her? Ohh I see, do you?’”

The thread became awash with users saying how confused they were, as the little girl seemed to have no bottom half or melt into the pathway, either possibility way too much for them to comprehend, causing the post to rack up over 1,200 comments and tens of thousands of “up” votes boosting it.

Some users saw the photo as a great opportunity to crack jokes.

“Obviously your daughter is a diglett,” one user wrote, implying her daughter was a Pokemon who lived underground and not a human child.

“Let me guess, she’s your half-daughter?” another joked.

Even when people had figured out what caused the eye to be deceived, they were blown away.

One user wrote, “This is this single greatest confusing perspective I’ve seen so far. Even after the answer was given to me my mind was scrambled. You literally have to create a line on the edge of the wall to differentiate from the footpath. OK, I’m going to go into a recovery position now.”

The key to understanding the optical illusion is to know the little girl is leaning against a wall, and not merging with the ground. Her legs and the rest of her bottom have been blocked by the wall.

However, as one user said, “This one’s genuinely baffling even when you zoom in.”

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